2014-2018 GMC/Chevy T-Style Radio Tech Support Questions
Below are some of the most common questions we receive about tech support between our T-Style radio and your GM truck.
Why does the Time/Clock keep resetting when I restart my vehicle?
The system receives data for the clock from a few different sources which sometimes cause the clock to change times. To fix this issue:
- Go to the Settings
- Look for Android Settings
- (More Settings at the top of the page, or in SYSTEM at the top right)
- Scroll down to System
- Open Date and Time
- Turn OFF Automatic Date and Time
- Turn OFF Automatic Time Zone
- Set the Time Zone to your local time zone, then set the time properly
Why are the physical Climate Control buttons not working?
On the climate control harness, there is a white plug that says “TO RADIO,” you’ll need to plug that into the back of the radio itself.
When I turn the fan speed to 0, the fans still blow. When I turn it to 8, the fans stop.
You likely have an Auto/Dual AC truck, but the radio is set to the Manual AC setting. Follow this Climate Control Setup Guide, or you can find them under Support > Installation manuals & Bulletins.
Where is the Heated steering wheel option on my GEN IV Radio?
You’ll need to turn these on in Settings:
If you have the Classic settings Menu (APP Update 4.3 or older)
- Go to Settings
- Icon on the left with two gears
- Enter 9300
- Scroll to the bottom of the page. Turn on Wheel Heating
- Save and Reboot at the bottom of the page
If you have the NEW settings Menu (APP Update 4.4 or Newer)
- Go to Settings
- Tap System on the top right
- Go to Setting Guide
- Seat & Steering Wheel
- Turn on any options you have, press OK, then Save and Reboot at the bottom of the page
- Keep in mind you shouldn’t need to turn on Heated/Cooled Seats, as your factory buttons should still be installed to active them
Where is the Heated steering wheel option on my GEN III Radio?
Make sure your climate control setting is already set properly. You can find setups for this under Support > Installation manuals & Bulletins.
If the options still are not there:
- Go to Settings
- Open Advanced Settings (Icon with two Gears)
- Enter 9300
- Look for “Change Climate UI” and switch this setting. Usually, turn this OFF.
- Then, turn off the truck and let the radio power off. After 10-15 seconds, restart the vehicle/radio, and your icons should be there.
If this did not work, go through the same process, but try the other Change Climate UI option, Off or On.
Why does the screen go black and say NO SIGNAL when I turn my right turn signal?
This means there is a setting turned on for an aftermarket right/side camera. You can turn this off in settings.
If you have the Classic settings Menu (APP Update 4.3 or older)
- Go to Settings
- Go to Advanced Settings (icon with two gears)
- Enter 9300 and press OK
- Turn “Switch to Right Camera when turn signal is detected” OFF.
- Save and Reboot at the bottom of the page
If you have the NEW settings Menu (APP Update 4.4 or Newer)
- Go to Settings
- Tap System on the top right
- Open “Factory Settings”
- Enter 1660 and press OK
- Go to “Install Set” on the left side of the page
- Turn “Switch to Right Camera when turn signal is detected” OFF.
- Save and Reboot at the bottom of the page
How do I access the “Sleep Timer” or “Fast Boot” Option?
On GEN III Radios, go to Settings, the icon with a single gear, and there you will find a sleep timer option. 15 Minutes, 8 Hours, 24 hours, etc.
GEN IV Linkswell Radios do NOT support the “Sleep Timer” or “Fast Boot” feature.
How do I minimize the Bluetooth screen when on a phone call?
Unfortunately due to the way the Android platform works the system can only have one active application active at a time. So when you are in a phone call the Bluetooth application must be in the front or the call will drop. Where a navigation app can run in the background, a phone call can not.
Why is audio not working after installing the T-Style radio?
If your vehicle has a BOSE Audio system, you will need an additional BOSE Adapter. If you install the radio as it comes out of the box, and this issue comes up, you likely need to purchase a BOSE Adapter, or install an aftermarket amplifier for your speakers.